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Tambre is proud to Show and Tell with NIAW

This week the United States celebrates National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) and Clínica Tambre are proud to stand with our peers, patients and friends to support this great cause.

The Awareness Week aims to provide an opportunity for millions of Americans to challenge the barriers and stigmas that prevent patients getting the fertility treatment they need. It also provides an opportunity to ‘celebrate’ the achievements made to make this aim a reality.


What is the purpose of NIAW?

NIAW celebrates the patient voice and encourages individuals to share their stories. NIAW is about patient empowerment ensuring those who want fertility help can find get. NIAW aims to promote wider public understanding of infertility and challenges law makers to promote the rights of those seeking help.

Established in 1989 by RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association, NIAW has grown to become the world’s largest mouthpiece for fertility patients. We at Tambre are committed to NIAW and all it stands for and have been pleased to support it since its inception.


NIAW 2022: #WearOrange!

One of the highlights of NIAW this year is the #WearOrange Campaign. The campaign focusses on the importance of empowering anyone going through infertility and changing the conversation around it. The colour orange is significant as RESOLVE explain,

“Orange promotes a sense of wellness, emotional energy to be shared: compassion, passion, and warmth. Helps to recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one’s pride. Studies show that orange can create a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence and understanding”.

The campaign is twofold, it offers support whilst educating and promoting physical and emotional wellness.


Supporting NIAW, the Tambre way

At Tambre, We put our patients at the very center of everything we do. We support them by providing transparent information and personalized treatment throughout their fertility journey. From the moment our patients step inside our beautiful facilities in Madrid they know exactly what to expect and are welcomed with open arms.

We use our website, social media platforms, attendance at events and research to educate and inform both patients and the general public about the ways infertility impacts people. We share information about the support available and use our position as a leading advocate of fertility care to promote the interests of fertility patients around the globe.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that health providers need to support patients in in diverse and flexible ways. Using our digital platforms we are now able to offer a fully accessible service to our patients whenever and wherever they need it. We believe this has enhanced our ability to contribute towards increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence and understanding – key aspirations behind the #WearOrange Campaign.


NIAW 2022: It’s good to talk

We at Tambre, are also actively involved with patient support associations and regulatory bodies in Spain and elsewhere around the world. We share information about our work and success rates and by doing so, hope to influence law makers to make fertility treatment as open and accessible as possible.

We have been responsible for bringing over 12,000 babies into the world during our long and esteemed career but just as importantly our work has enabled more people to learn of the possibilities offered by IVF treatments.

We celebrate NIAW and encourage you to share your story and support the great work undertaken by RESOLVE via the website,