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Infertility and male sterility

Did you know that one in three couples seeking help to achieve pregnancy have male infertility problems?

At Tambre we have our own Andrology Laboratory equipped with the latest technology which allows us to solve most cases of male infertility, without having to resort to donor sperm.

What is male infertility?

Male infertility refers to the inability of a man to achieve pregnancy in a fertile couple after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. This happens to one in three couples seeking help to achieve pregnancy and, to a greater or lesser extent, in almost half of the cases of couples having difficulty conceiving, the male factor is involved.

In many cases, this is because the man has a low sperm count (oligozoospermia), poor motility or decreased motility (asthenozoospermia) or altered morphology (teratozoospermia). It may also be due to other issues that interfere with the fertilisation of the egg, such as obstructive problems in the seminal duct, infections or genetic causes.

Knowing the Causes of Infertility

Causes of male infertility

The causes of male infertility can be multiple. Any abnormality that affects the testicles or the tubes that carry semen to the penis can lead to infertility.

The most common causes of a low or abnormal semen count are:

  •     Varicocele: these are enlarged veins around the testicle. It is the most common cause of reversible infertility.
  •     Retrograde ejaculation: when semen, instead of being expelled from the penis through the urethral canal, goes into the bladder.
  •     Undescended testicle.
  •     Infections in the testicle (orchitis), prostate (prostatitis).
  •     Chemotherapy
  •     External factors (alcohol, stress, smoking)
  •     Obesity.
  •     Certain medications such as anabolic agents or some anticonvulsants
  •     Genetic abnormalities.
  •     Hormonal problems.
  •     Vasectomy. It often happens that, after a vasectomy, there is a desire to have a child. In most of these cases, it is necessary to resort to assisted reproduction to obtain sperm.

Would you like us to study your case?

At Tambre we can provide you with a diagnosis of male infertility on your first visit.

How do we work in Tambre?

How we diagnose male infertility at Tambre

On the first visit to Tambre, we carry out a study of male infertility, as well as female infertility. During this first consultation, we not only take a detailed medical history including the couple’s family history and lifestyle, but we also carry out medical tests, as well as a spermogram in the case of men.

The seminogram or spermiogram is an essential test to assess male fertility. This is the test that will guide us and give us an assessment of the number, mobility and shape of the spermatozoa in the ejaculate.

At Tambre, thanks to the work of our urologist, endocrinologist and andrology laboratory, we carry out a complete study to identify the cause of male infertility. To do this, in addition to semen analysis and depending on the case, we can perform hormonal and genetic tests, including Comet Fertility which analyses the DNA fragmentation that may occur in a semen sample, as well as Chromosperm and FISH, which evaluate the chromosomal profile.

Physical examination also allows the urologist to detect seminal alterations or functional problems. A final test that can be used, if necessary, is a testicular biopsy.

How to solve male infertility

The solutions for male infertility are varied depending on the cause.

Sometimes it is enough to stop taking any medication you are taking, as well as avoiding any type of toxic substances, including tobacco and alcohol, along with doing exercise and following a healthy lifestyle.

In cases of varicocele and obstructions in the tubes that carry sperm, surgery may be necessary.

In cases where sperm count is affected assisted reproductive techniques may be used. In addition to artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation, there is ICSI or intracytoplasmic microinjection ICSI or intracytoplasmic microinjection, in which a single sperm is selected and injected directly into the egg. This technique is especially suitable for patients with severely affected seminograms.

This is an advanced technique used by Tambre’s Andrology Laboratory to select spermatozoa prior to intracytoplasmic microinjection or ICSI. This single-use chamber allows us to select spermatozoa with better motility and morphology, and less double-stranded DNA fragmentation.

The TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) technique allows us to directly access the testicle to extract the spermatozoa that we later use in the ICSI technique.

Until a few decades ago, the only option was to resort to a donor sperm bank, but nowadays, thanks to IVF and ICSI and other techniques that allow us to obtain sperm through the testicles, the use of donor sperm has been relegated to very few cases and for this, we have our own sperm bank.

In most cases, the cause of male infertility can be
treated and reversed

Male fertility preservation

For those men who are planning to undergo aggressive therapy or treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as well as those who have detected an alteration in semen analysis where this situation is expected to become more complicated over time, it is possible to preserve fertility.

Sperm freezing without a time limit makes it possible to maintain the possibility of becoming a father in the future.

Why Tambre can fulfil your dream?

Specialists in Advanced Reproductive Medicine

Pioneers in Spain and Europe

45 years of excellence in this field

Tailor-made treatments

State-of-the-art laboratory

More Tambre advantages

  • You will have your own gynaecologist and nurse, except for emergencies, and the same medical team will follow your case in depth and attend you from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
  • You will have a consultant from our Specialised Tambre Care team who will support you and answer any question you may have throughout the whole process.
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