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Truly for me it was not my first choice. Let’s say it wasn’t vocational.
After graduating from the University of Alcalá de Henares I was a bit confused about my career options. It was my friend Alexandra Diaz, who today is an extraordinary embryologist, who informed me about a training in embryology at the Hospital Príncipe de Asturias and that is where it all began. Today I look back and I think it was an excellent choice.
The most amazing and rewarding thing about our work is having the ability to create life and see it evolve from the very beginning. It just seems to me something very exclusive and wonderful at the same time.
It is not always easy to separate our feelings from our professional activity. When treatments are successful, it is very easy to feel satisfied. The problem comes when treatments do not end with a healthy live newborn at home. I see assisted reproduction as a long-distance race in which you know when you start, but not when you finish.
Many patients need several treatments to achieve their reproductive desire and empathising with them is inevitable.
I remember a very young couple. They were both very excited about starting a family and were very clear about their goal. She had cancer and her chances of getting pregnant were very limited. Finally, after several treatments, we were able to help them have their child.
What I like and enjoy the most is travelling and seeing new places.